Sagemont Church | Houston, Texas
In the 38 year history of Sagemont Church in Houston, Texas we have built over 50 million dollars worth buildings and have paid cash for each project. This has been accomplished by teaching God's people His principles of giving. Each time, He has lowered the resources to us to build the vision he has set before us. It is on these principles that Lamar Slay has founded The PCC Network and I highly recommend this proven approach to you and your church.
In the 38 year history of Sagemont Church in Houston, Texas we have built over 50 million dollars worth buildings and have paid cash for each project. This has been accomplished by teaching God’s people His principles of giving. Each time, He has lowered the resources to us to build the vision he has set before us. It is on these principles that Lamar Slay has founded The PCC Network and I highly recommend this proven approach to you and your church.